1923 Overview
1923 is an American Western drama television series, created by Taylor Sheridan that premiered on December 18, 2022, on Paramount+. The series is a prequel to the Paramount Network series Yellowstone and serves as a sequel to the series 1883. 1923, stars Academy Award nominee, Harrison Ford and Academy Award winner, Helen Mirren as John Dutton's ancestors, as they try to survive drought, disease, and economic upheaval in the wild west while invaders try to take their land.
Graphic Designer - Kyson Cheong
Senior Design Director - Brandon Lori

Creative Director - Jamey Welch
Vice President of Art - Angelina Battista
Senior Vice President of Art - Thomas Berger
1923 Key Art Pitches


Images were posted on the following official instagram accounts:

1923 (368k followers)
Paramount Network (343k followers)
Paramount+ (872k followers)
Yellowstone (2.2m followers)
In addition, the posts were also reposted by various actors and actresses (≈ 3m​​​​​​​ followers) within the Yellowstone Universe.

Images were posted on the official 1923 Facebook page with 249k followers.

Images were posted on the official 1923 Twitter page with 38.6k followers.

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Images Created
Pictured: Darren Man (Jack Dutton), Michelle Randolph (Elizabeth Strafford)
Pictured: Aminah Nieves (Teonna Rainwater)
Pictured: Helen Mirren (Cara Dutton), Harrison Ford (Jacob Dutton)

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Examples of images used for compositing:
Images were sourced from a large database with thousands of talent photography

Reposts & Reshares
@yellowstone (2.5m followers)
@cassierandolph (1.2m followers)
@paramountplus (1m followers)
@michellerandolph (490k followers)
@1923official (440k followers)
@paramountnetwork (341k followers)
@officialnicholegalicia (141k followers)
@juliaschlaepfer (53.5k followers)
@realdarrenmann (32.4k followers)


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